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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+8 heures [Heure d’été]

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  Bonjour a tous
Message Publié : 09 Août 2003 16:03 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
Bonjour tout le monde

Je suis Sue..j'habite a Bendigo..j'ai 41 ans..prof d'anglais.

J'adore la France (je suis allee au Sud cette annee) mais malheureusement this is the limit of my French :)
I can understand everyone..just not brilliant at writing French so excusez mes fautes.

Enchantee de vous connaitre,


Message Publié : 10 Août 2003 04:59 
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 01:32
Message(s) : 28
Localisation : Region Parisienne
welcome here Sue.
Ou se trouve Bendigo? dans quel état?
@+ tard.

Message Publié : 10 Août 2003 09:16 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Salut de Ballarat!

Le monde est petit, n'est ce pas!

Bienvenue Sue.

Don't worry about your French - I'd forgotten how to write most of mine until I joined FDU about 2 months ago. I got back into the habit of it pretty fast, since you'll find a lot of people here don't or can't write much English at all, so any French you can use is a bonus. The aim of the game is just to be understood, and by the way a few of the French write sometimes (no offence, Frenchies!) they feel the same way and take a lot of shortcuts with their French.
Hint: for reading sometimes FDU can be a bit of a nightmare, so here are some tips: qq = quelqu'un. mm = (seems to me 'meme'), tlm = tout le monde, K7 = cassette, and the trickiest one of all for me that almost drove me crazy....A+ (= a plus tard!)

Have fun!

Bonne chance!

Kate :D

Message Publié : 10 Août 2003 12:09 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
pastel_princess a écrit :
welcome here Sue.
Ou se trouve Bendigo? dans quel état?
@+ tard.

Merci pastel Princess, Merci

Bendigo est a Victoria..150km au nord de Melb.

Thanks for the welcome!

  Re: Bienvenue
Message Publié : 10 Août 2003 12:15 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
[quote="Kate"]Salut de Ballarat!
>Le monde est petit, n'est ce pas!
Oui Kate, le monde est petit. J'ai fait mes etudes a Ballarat. (Aquinas College- tu connais Mair Street?)

Merci pour l'avis- I spent time with a French friend this year so should be way better than I am at French..guess I spoke more than I wrote though. I'll copy down some phrases I can use lol :)

Merci pour le bienvenue et pour les qqs, A+ etc..Je les aime beaucoup. Going to start using them.

Merci for the welcome,
See you around.


  Re: Bienvenue
Message Publié : 10 Août 2003 15:34 
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Inscription : 10 Fév 2003 00:07
Message(s) : 45
Localisation : NL
Kate a écrit :
and the trickiest one of all for me that almost drove me crazy....A+ (= a plus tard!)


L8r, (later) is a tricky one too :wink: :D

Message Publié : 11 Août 2003 13:12 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 09 Août 2003 17:24
Message(s) : 2
Localisation : nouméa

my names yoann je pars study english at homes college .
A Sydney for 1 month in september et goldcoast for 1 month,
ravi de te connaitre, with my girl friend nous voulons visiter during the afternoom, escuse me for my english


  Re: Bienvenue
Message Publié : 11 Août 2003 14:09 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
furybeeast a écrit :
Kate a écrit :
and the trickiest one of all for me that almost drove me crazy....A+ (= a plus tard!)


L8r, (later) is a tricky one too :wink: :D

Merci beaucoup furybeeast.
That one would really trick me since I would be expecting it to be French LOL. Il faut que je me ferai une liste....

Kate :shock:

Message Publié : 12 Août 2003 07:10 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 15 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 659
Localisation : Melbourne
PROST YOANN a écrit :

my names yoann je pars study english at homes college .
A Sydney for 1 month in september et goldcoast for 1 month,
ravi de te connaitre, with my girl friend nous voulons visiter during the afternoom, escuse me for my english

J'aime bien ton Franco English Yoann, ca me rappelle la chanson de Renaud, It is not because you are


Message Publié : 12 Août 2003 19:07 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
Bonjour Yoann
Your English is fine!
Enchantee de te connatire aussi


Message Publié : 13 Août 2003 09:47 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
tompouce a écrit :
PROST YOANN a écrit :

my names yoann je pars study english at homes college .
A Sydney for 1 month in september et goldcoast for 1 month,
ravi de te connaitre, with my girl friend nous voulons visiter during the afternoom, escuse me for my english

J'aime bien ton Franco English Yoann, ca me rappelle la chanson de Renaud, It is not because you are


Funny you should mention that, Laurent - the term 'Franco English' reminds me of an old 80's comedy British series (with a famous elderly British actress...I've forgotten the name of her and the show, but it was brilliant). The woman in it used to be some kind of teacher and she always spoke about 5 words of English to every French word, all in the one sentence, often rather mangled.
I wish they'd bring back re-runs. :)


Message Publié : 17 Août 2003 10:06 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
Funny you should mention that, Laurent - the term 'Franco English' reminds me of an old 80's comedy British series (with a famous elderly British actress...I've forgotten the name of her and the show, but it was brilliant). The woman in it used to be some kind of teacher and she always spoke about 5 words of English to every French word, all in the one sentence, often rather mangled.
I wish they'd bring back re-runs. :)


If you ever remember the name Kate post it post it post it..sounds wonderful.

  I remember it!
Message Publié : 20 Août 2003 18:27 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 07 Juin 2003 16:56
Message(s) : 1245
Localisation : >Une aussie que vit a Ballarat, 100 km N-O de Melbourne
Now I remember the name of that series, it came to me the other day.

"French Fields". !!

And Laurent...what a bizarre Renaud song (some of it I rather like though, quite clever...though it would be better if he'd made it ALL rhyme ;-)

Kate :D

  Re: I remember it!
Message Publié : 23 Août 2003 16:24 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 28 Juin 2003 09:41
Message(s) : 6
Localisation : Bendigo, Australia
Kate a écrit :
Now I remember the name of that series, it came to me the other day.

"French Fields". !!

Thanks Kate! Will keep an eye out for it..hope they decide to repeat it one day.

Thanks for posting that

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