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Le fuseau horaire est UTC+8 heures [Heure d’été]

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  acheter une maison secondair quand on n'est pas résident aus
Message Publié : 05 Mai 2005 18:36 
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New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 05 Mai 2005 05:54
Message(s) : 10
Localisation : libreville ( GABON )
je veux acheter une maison secondaire ds le qsld je suis francais residant en afrique , :roll: est-ce possible ?

Message Publié : 05 Mai 2005 19:33 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 23 Juil 2004 21:42
Message(s) : 889
Il me semble que, en tant que résident étranger, tu peux :

Acheter un terrain sur lequel tu t'engages à construire dans les 12 mois suivant ton achat.
Acheter un maison neuve (jamais habitée).

Mais cela mérite d'être appronfondit car d'autres règles et contraintes sont à prévoir, nottament au niveau fiscal.

Je demanderai ce week-end à un agent immobilier.


Message Publié : 05 Mai 2005 20:23 
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New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 05 Mai 2005 05:54
Message(s) : 10
Localisation : libreville ( GABON )
cool !! sisko ca pour du rapide , c'est du rapide , j'ai plus l'habitude d'autant de rapidité car l'inertie et les lenteurs africaine me mettent en déroute !
encore merci de ton efficacité et a tres bientôt :lol:

  Ma cabane....
Message Publié : 13 Mai 2005 02:37 
New Mate
New Mate
Inscription : 13 Avr 2005 06:09
Message(s) : 5
Localisation : GABON
Et surtout JL, don't forget de rallonger au moment de plans de la dream house, mon p'etit coin pour nous.... POur les vacances.....quoi!!!!


Faby del gabon

Message Publié : 13 Mai 2005 06:28 
FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 23 Juil 2004 21:42
Message(s) : 889
Bonjour les Gabonais !

Excusez moi, je vous avais un peu oublié :? ça se comprend, j'ai quand même quelques années d'Afrique ! :D

Bon, voilà, pour me faire pardonner quelques infos qui devraient répondre à vos questions :

Infos en direct du Trésor Australien "Foreign Investment Policy Urban Land-Real Estate" :

Urban land is defined as all land situated in Australia other than rural land.

Proposals that require approval include acquisitions of:
• residential real estate;
• vacant land;

Foreign persons intending to acquire real estate in Australia must seek prior approval from the Government through the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB or the Board) unless specifically exempted by the Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations.

Under the Act, a foreign person is:
• a natural person not ordinarily resident in Australia;

All contracts by foreign persons to acquire interests in Australian real estate must be made conditional upon foreign investment approval, unless approval was obtained prior to entering into the contract.

Residential real estate means all Australian urban land other than commercial properties (that is offices, factories, warehouses, restaurants, shops). Acquisitions of ‘hobby farms’ and ‘rural residential’ blocks by foreign interests are included in the residential real estate category.

Acquisitions of residential real estate that has been previously owned or occupied, that is second?hand houses, flats or units, are not normally approved.

Applications to acquire existing residences for redevelopment are considered on a case?by?case basis. Proposals approved under this category must provide for an increase in the housing stock, that is, an increase in the number of dwellings. An amount equivalent to a minimum of 50 per cent of the acquisition cost or current market value (which ever is the greater) must be spent on the redevelopment of the site.

Acquisitions of vacant land for development (including house and land packages where construction has not commenced) by foreign interests are normally approved subject to:
• continuous substantial construction commencing within 12 months;
• a minimum amount equivalent to 50 per cent of the acquisition cost or current market value of the land (whichever is higher) must be spent on development; and
• once construction is completed, parties notify the completion date and actual development expenditure.

Once these conditions have been fulfilled, properties acquired under this category may be rented out, sold to Australian interests or other eligible purchasers, or retained for the foreign investor's own use.

Acquisitions of new home units, townhouses, house and land packages (where construction has commenced), strata titled hotel/motel units in a new development, either ‘off-the-plan’, during the construction phase or when the dwelling is newly completed are normally approved, provided that it has never been occupied or sold and provided no more than 50 per cent of the dwellings in any one development are sold to foreign interests.

Acquisitions of residential real estate within a resort which has been designated by the Government as an Integrated Tourism Resort (ITR) prior to September 1999 are exempt from the normal foreign investment restrictions applying to foreign acquisitions of residential property and can be on sold to foreigners without approval.

Voilà quelques points importants à étudier. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, vous pouvez visiter le site du Foreign Investment Review Board :


Salut à tous !


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