Changement des règles d'immigration/visa 01/07/2012 & Délais
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Auteur :  Eric_Oz [ 16 Août 2012 22:19 ]
Sujet du message :  Changement des règles d'immigration/visa 01/07/2012 & Délais

Bonjour à tous,

juste pour dire à tous ceux qui passent que les règles ont évolué au 1 er juillet 2012 pour l'obtention de visa (notamment de travail temporaire ou permanent). Plusieurs catégories ont disparu et certaines été regroupées.
L'annonce ayant été faite par le DIAC avec suffisament de préavis, un afflux de près de 9000 demandes engorge le système.

voyez le site du DIAC pour les "processing delays" et règles de priorité de traitement.
C'est important, car l'ordre de traitement tient plus compte des classes de visas que de l'ordre d'arrivée des demandes. En clair, quelqu'un qui fait une application pour un subclass 187 trois mois après votre demande d'un 457 toujours en attente d'un case officer (cela peut arriver) sera traité prioritairement...

A ce jour, le DIAC a fait savoir que du fait de cet afflux l'attribution d'un case officer pourrait prendre plusieurs mois.


Voir ici la source, je ne trouve pas l'info en première main dans le site du DIAC.

Delays for ENS/RSMS Visa Applications due to 1 July Rush


Stephen Russell, Director of Program Delivery at the Department of Immigration & Citizenship 'DIAC', has issued a statement in response to the Migration Institute Australia's 'MIA’ enquiries regarding the lengthy and inconsistent processing times for ENS and RSMS applications.

Mr Russell largely attributes the delays to the pre-1 July rush of applications which has added around 9,000 applications to the DIAC ‘pipeline’. This has caused the on-hand caseload to go from being the equivalent of 4 to 5 months of processing work to around 9 months of work!

As a result there have been serious impacts on the service standards of the department, especially in relation to ‘pipeline’ cases which were already taking a longer time to process due to the priority given to ‘decision ready’ applications.

At the same time, DIAC has a large amount of decision ready applications on-hand. Up until now the department had been able to balance the allocation of decision ready applications and cases from the pipeline. However, there are currently not enough case officers to allocate all decision ready applications in the previously nominated timeframes and it is likely that it will take several months before they are allocated.

Mr Russell emphasised that the department is working to strike a balance between processing decision ready and pipeline cases. He is currently not in the position to comment on the exact time frame that can be expected to process applications. He does, however, hope to discourage the number of unproductive and time consuming follow up requests that DIAC is receiving which only add to the increased workload of department officers.

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