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Les films français de SBS, vous les regardez...
toujours ! 11%  11%  [ 1 ]
de temps en temps... 67%  67%  [ 6 ]
rarement...et c'est bien dommage! 22%  22%  [ 2 ]
jamais... ça ne m'interesse pas ! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Nombre total de votes : 9
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  Les films français sur SBS
Message Publié : 17 Juin 2003 09:11 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Personnellement, je loupe souvent les bons films sur SBS et c'est bien dommage car la semaine dernière ça a été un réel plaisir de découvrir 'les enfants du marais' depuis mon canapé australien...

Suite à ça, nous avons donc pris une nouvelle résolution : nous allons essayer via ce post de répertorier les programmation françaises de SBS (et des autres chaines à l'occasion), semaine par semaine...

Si oubli, n'hésitez pas à rajouter à la suite...

:idea: Pour info, il est possible de recevoir la liste de ces programmes directement dans votre boite aux lettres en vous abonnant à la newsletter quotidienne ou hebdomadaire de http://www.YourTv.com.au . Vous pouvez en effet configurer votre newsletter avec une recherche par mot clé (ex: 'french', 'france', 'paris', etc)... very pratique, isn't it ?! :wink:

Message Publié : 17 Juin 2003 09:25 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW
A vote!!!
En general, c'est la premiere chose que j'etudie sur le programme tele...
Mercredi 23h30, la fille sur le pont, un excellent film avec Daniel Auteuil et Vanessa Paradis, j'ai un souvenir de dialogues tres sympa...

Les enfants du marais, oui un petit bonheur ce film...

Mais de temps en temps, ils passent aussi des bon gros navets...

  semaine du 16 au 22 juin 2003
Message Publié : 17 Juin 2003 09:35 
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Inscription : 06 Oct 2002 18:35
Message(s) : 604
Localisation : NSW Mid-North Coast, Australia.
Programme TV de la semaine du 16 au 22 juin 2003 :

Wednesday, 18 June, 2003

SBS 9am Le Journal
News via satellite from FR2 Paris, in French, no subtitles.

SBS 12.30pm What Were Women Doing While Man Was Walking on the Moon? (Que faisaient les femmes pendant que l'homme marchait sur la lune?)
1969. Sacha, a young Belgian woman living in Canada, comes back to her family home in Brussels after a two year absence during which her life has been very different from what her family - particularly her possessive, egocentric mother - has believed. In fact Sacha has come back to tell the truth, but communication proves impossible in this family where no-one is willing to listen or even capable of listening, and everyone seems to be hiding some personal tragedy.

SBS 11.35pm The Girl On the Bridge (La Fille sur le pont)
Patrice Leconte's (Monsieur Hire, The Hairdresser's Husband, Ridicule) sexy, edgy romance, beautifully filmed in black and white, begins in Paris at night. Adèle, a suicidal young woman (Vanessa Paradis - Johnny Depp's partner), depressed by a wild life of sexual misadventures, is about to drown herself in the chilly Seine. Out of nowhere comes Gabor (Daniel Auteuil, in a role which gained him a César), a knife thrower with a desperate need of a human target for his show. Thus begins an eccentric journey through the music halls and casinos of Monte Carlo, during which a strange symbiosis develops, although their relationship remains platonic. Athens and Istanbul beckon beyond the south of France, but the tables are beginning to turn....

Thursday, 19 June, 2003

SBS 9am Le Journal
News via satellite from FR2 Paris, in French, no subtitles.

SBS 6pm Global Village
A war has been raging off the coast of south Brittany between old generation fishermen using dredges to fish for clams and a new breed of men who dive to collect clams from the seabed with minimum disturbance to the environment. Presented by Silvio Rivier.
English and French

Friday, 20 June, 2003

SBS 9am Le Journal
News via satellite from FR2 Paris, in French, no subtitles.

Seven 12pm The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Comedy about a priceless gem sought by a wanted jewel thief whose accomplice is the wife of French Police Inspector Jacques Clouseau.

SBS 6pm Global Village
Focuses on the French circus called Pinder - its daily routine and the people who perform and work backstage. From France. The Grand 'Place, Brussels - The Grand 'Place of Brussels is an outstanding example of a successful blending of many architectural and artistic styles. From Germany. Presented by Silvio Rivier.
French, English

SBS 10pm Antilles sur Seine
Because Mayor Hector St Rose has resisted efforts to turn his idyllic seaside village in the French controlled Antilles Islands in the Caribbean into a tacky resort, his wife is snatched by the henchmen of a ruthless mother and son team with business interests in the redevelopment. Hector flies to Paris, where with the help of his two sons, a tough but admirable policewoman and a roster of colourful characters, the wrongdoers get their comeuppance.
French Creole

SBS 11.45pm Eat Carpet
Camera Café - G M Food - A French comedy series which sees office workers caught gossiping around the coffee machine. BMW Vermelho - An unemployed man living in a shanty town on the edge of Sao Paulo wins a red BMW in a contest and sees his life turn sour. Looking For Horses - Nothing and everything happens to ten-year-old Ruby and her younger sister, Gemma, as they roam around French Island looking for horses, and trying to make sense of what is going on between their parents. A Date in Paradise - A date in paradise to keep love alive. Poh-Ling - A young Asian woman is sent to Australia by her father to study accounting. She works hard at successfully failing and trying to own her own live.

Saturday, 21 June, 2003

SBS 9am Le Journal
News via satellite from FR2 Paris, in French, no subtitles.

SBS 3.50pm Arts on Saturday
Originally a flop, Bizet's opéra comique, based on a novel written in 1846 by Prosper Mérimée, has turned out to be one of the most successful and best-known operas ever written. This program analyses this success by looking at different versions of Bizet's Carmen - Francesco Rosi's 1984 version (To be screened next Saturday); Sir Peter Hall, Matthew Bourne and Jonathan Miller's productions, Oscar Hammerstein's 1954 movie Carmen Jones; Carlos Saura's 1983 flamenco version, Jean-Luc Godard's Prénom Carmen, as well as silent movies from the 1920s and a Disney cartoon. Various people involved in these productions are interviewed, including Peter Hall, Matthew Bourne and Jonathan Miller, and singers Julie Migenes, Maria Ewing, Sara Fulgoni and Jessye Norman.
English and French

SBS 6pm Global Village
Looks at Boulogne, a fishing village and thriving port in France. Presented by Silvio Rivier.
English and French

Channel 31 8pm French Movie

SBS 10pm The Left-Hand Side of the Fridge (La Moitie gauche du frigo)
Winner of Best Canadian First Feature Award at the Toronto International Film Festival 2000, Philippe Falardeau's sly and incisive mockumentary, which acknowledges its debt to Michael Moore, is told through the lens of a camera manned by Stéphane (Stéphane Demers), a theatre actor who's shooting a documentary about his friend and roommate Christophe's attempts to find a job. An engineer by training, Christophe (Paul Ahmarani) vainly goes through a series of ever more absurd situations - from comic, failed interviews to meetings with fatuous employment consultants - while growing increasingly desperate. Stephane, for his part, is not a dispassionate observer - as the film progresses he forces his own anti-globalisation political agenda to the fore, so much so that he sabotages his friend's few potential opportunities.
Canadian French and English

Sunday, 22 June, 2003

ABC 7.30pm A World In Arms
Looks at the role of the British and French navies during the crucial 26-year period stretching from the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 to the decisive Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

SBS 9.30pm Masterpiece
A comprehensive and well-illustrated documentary on Pop Art, placed in its socio-political context. The program is not complacent about its art form's aesthetic, but instead justifies it by a certain criticism of the consumption society and the portrayal of women as objects. Rich in archives, "happenings", films by artists and original footage, the documentary also features interviews with Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns and James Ronsenquist (US); Richard Hamilton, Allen Jones and Peter Blake (UK); Arman, Martial Raysse, Jacques Monory and Alain Jacquet (France); and Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter and Peter Klasen (Germany).
English and French

Message Publié : 19 Juin 2003 00:37 
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Fair Dinkum Mate
Fair Dinkum Mate
Inscription : 02 Avr 2003 20:39
Message(s) : 61
Localisation : poitiers
s'lut tlm !!!!

il y a pas à dire, ça fais quand même du bien un bon p'tit film français !!! :lol:
en plus, c'est la première fois que je regarde la télé ici sans qu'il n'y ait de pub toutes les 10 minutes... ça fais du bien !!!! :wink:

@ +++ !!!


Message Publié : 19 Juin 2003 07:31 
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Inscription : 20 Avr 2003 15:03
Message(s) : 1814
Localisation : Sydney (Maroubra) NSW

L'avantage de SBS, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de pubs pendant le film... C'est epatant, un film, francais et sans interruption!!!
Cela dit, les pubs toutes les 10 minutes, tu vas t'y habituer. A ton retour en France, tu seras etonne du manque de pubs!!!

Alors, la fille sur le pont, vous avez regarde?

Message Publié : 19 Juin 2003 22:44 
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Fair Dinkum Mate
Fair Dinkum Mate
Inscription : 02 Avr 2003 20:39
Message(s) : 61
Localisation : poitiers
s'lut !!!!

moi qui pensait qu'il y avait déjà beaucoup de pubs en france, c'est vrai que j'ai été assez scotché quand j'ai vu ici... :shock: mais je crois que je m'éloigne un peu du topic...

donc personnellement, j'ai regardé la fille sur le pont, et j'ai vraiment pas été déçu... :D

je pense aussi regarder antilles sur seine demain soir, mais là, c'est autre chose.... :lol:

@ +++ !!!


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