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  la vérité si je mens 2 : would I lie to you 2
Message Publié : 21 Jan 2003 19:27 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 04 Nov 2002 12:57
Message(s) : 206
Localisation : sydney-paris
The rollicking comedy French comedy WOULD I LIE TO YOU? 2 (La vérité si je mens 2) opens at both the Chauvel and Valhalla cinemas on January 30.


A rollicking comedy, Would I Lie To You? 2 is a worthy, and more overtly funny, sequel to its predecessor (which was released in Australia in 1998). An enormous hit at the box office in France, where it left even the biggest Hollywood blockbusters in its wake to become one the most popular French films of all time, Would I Lie To You? 2 is as much a film as it is a phenomenon! Set in present-day Paris in its fabled Le Sentier (garment district), this lively tale centers on a cabal of flamboyant Sephardic Jews who are trying to stay afloat in a world of cheep knock-offs and devious multinational corporations. Parlaying their garment district savvy and business chutzpah into connections and cash, they come unstuck when outsmarted by a ruthless competitor. Featuring an hilarious ensemble cast, the film trades shamelessly on ethnic stereotypes and macho attitudes (not to mention shapely women in plunging necklines). Adventures in the rag trade have never been as funny as this. Perhaps, they will do a prequel next! A rollicking comedy reminiscent of The Dinner Game, an enormous box-office hit at the box office in France where it was seeen by almost 8 million people, Would I Lie To You? 2 left even the biggest Hollywood blockbusters in its wake to become one the most popular French films of all time.

France 2001 Thomas Gilou 104 min In French; English subtitles With Richard Anconina (Eddie Vuibert), José Garcia (Serge Benamou), Bruno Solo (Yvan), Gad Elmaleh (Dov Mimran), Gilbert Melki (Patrick Abitbol), Daniel Prévost (Vierhouten), Elisa Tovati (Chochana Boutboul), Pierre-François Martin-Laval (Peznec), Aure Atika (Karine), Amira Casar (Sandra), Enrico Macias (Maurice Boutboul), Nicole Calfan (Suzie Boutboul)

Message Publié : 29 Jan 2003 12:05 
FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 19 Oct 2002 10:24
Message(s) : 188
Localisation : Melbourne
Je l'ai vu sur DVD, c'est tres drole. J'aimerais voir le premier maintenant.

  La verite !!!
Message Publié : 31 Jan 2003 13:05 
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FranceDownUnder Addict
FranceDownUnder Addict
Inscription : 21 Déc 2002 10:10
Message(s) : 133
Localisation : Sydney
JOSE GARCIA.... Quel bonheur!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Message Publié : 31 Jan 2003 18:08 
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FranceDownUnder Expert
FranceDownUnder Expert
Inscription : 04 Nov 2002 12:57
Message(s) : 206
Localisation : sydney-paris
Il est vrai que dans le premier la prestation de notre cher disparu Elie Kakou est excellente.

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